Uncategorized Innaguration of St. Vincent Pallotti Tailoring Centre at Suruacode

Innaguration of St. Vincent Pallotti Tailoring Centre at Suruacode


St. Vincent Pallotti Tailoring Centre at Suruacode


Surulacode is one of our recently started mission stations in the Diocese of Kottar.  In the year 2016, it was entrusted to the pastoral care of Pallottines. Most of the people in these mission stations work in the Rubber Estates as coolie workers. After careful study and in consultation with Fr. John Paul, Parish Priest, inaugurated the tailoring centre on 19thNovemeber, 2023. This tailoring centre is known as “ St. Vincent Pallotti Tailoring Centre”. At present the tailoring classes are organized in the parish hall. There are ten students attending the classes. We hope in the days to come, many more women join and benefit from this tailoring course. All the expenses incurred in training the Tailoring Centre is met by the Social Work Commission of Our Lady of Good Health Province. We hope this Tailoring Centre may empower women and make them economically independent. This initiative may inspire other mission stations to have similar Centres in the future. I sincerely thank Very Rev. Fr. Emmanuel, our Provincial and his team for their encouragement and support.  I also thank Fr. John Paul, parish priest, Surulacode, for his kind cooperation. I also sincerely thank “Muenster Diocese, Germany” for sponsoring this project.


Fr. Jerome

Co-ordinator, Social Work Commission,