


Formation in the Society of the Catholic Apostolate is a story of continuous interaction between the spiritual experience and the pedagogy of its Founder, St. Vincent Pallotti, and the newness one discovers along the way and adopted to one’s apostolic consciousness and efficacy. Pallottine formation, as envisioned by St. Vincent, is characterised by a combination of three important aspects–spiritual, intellectual, and apostolic–the Pallottine Trinomial.

             We have a Formation Program of 12-13 years through various stages, starting from VOC (3 years), Novitiate (Canonical Year), Graduation (3 years, first year of Graduation clubbed with the Second Year of Novitiate), Philosophy (2 years) and Theology (3 ½ years) plus a six-month period of Diaconate Ministry. Formation of our students is of the highest priority. The ultimate objective is formation of talented, mature, responsible, communitarian, and deeply spiritual priests for OLGH Province.