“The poor belong not at the doors of our churches, but at the heart of our Church, as they are God’s treasure” says Pope Francis on the World Day of Poor, on 14th November, 2021. St. Vincent Pallotti practised those words in his life time. For example, St. Vincent Pallotti was given an assistant professorship at the Sapienza University; but resigned it, soon after, to devote himself to serve the sick, poor and needy. He worked selflessly looking after the poor and needy for most of his life. He organized schools for shoemakers, tailors, coachmen, carpenters, and gardeners, so that they could better work at their trade. Besides, he conducted evening classes for young farmers and unskilled workers. St. Vincent Pallotti’s work among the plague affected people was extraordinary and outstanding. As Pallotti says “ Remember that life should be one of action : not of speech an day dream. Let there be few words, and many deeds and let them done well”.
Following the footsteps of our holy Founder St. Pallotti, Pallottine Mission Secretariat and Scoial Work Commission Secretariat under take various programmes for sheltering the underprivileged specially for the HIV-AIDS affected people, rural women, elderly and poor school children and youth. We help them to restore their human dignity and respect. We try to satisfy their physical, psychological, and spiritual needs. Our Mission and Social Work Secretariat makes concrete efforts to fulfil the words of Jesus, our Divine Master: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me” (Mt:25 : 40). Let me conclude by quoting the words of St. Camillus: “The poor and sick are the heart of God. In serving them, we serve Jesus.”