St. Antony’s Church, Surulacode

St. Antony’s Church, Surulacode

Surulacode, a serene mission station in the Diocese of Kottar, holds a rich history woven with faith, community, and generous contributions.

Early Years

In 1965, the seeds of St. Anthony’s Church were planted when Mr. Michael, a generous soul, erected a small shrine for St. Xavier. At that time, Surulacode was under the spiritual care of the Discalced Carmelites (O.C.D) missionaries from St. Joseph’s Church, Manalikarai. In 1967, Mr. Michael’s benevolence extended further as he donated 25 cents of land to Fr. Lucas OCD, laying the foundation for a church to serve the spiritual needs of Surulacode.

The Building of St. Anthony’s Church

The year 1971 marked a significant milestone when Fr. Jerome OCD built St. Anthony’s Church, designating St. Antony as its Patron saint. Fr. Camalius, Fr. John Britto, and Fr. Raymond continued to nurture the spiritual growth of the community as pastors.

Integration with Holy Family Church, Ettamadai

In a pivotal moment of growth and expansion, the parish landscape of Surulacode witnessed significant changes in 1980. At this time, Surulacode was formally separated from St. Joseph’s Church, Manalikarai, and integrated into the spiritual embrace of Holy Family Church, Ettamadai, as its substation.

Christ the King Church, Veerapuli

Under the thoughtful guidance of Fr. Devadas, the pastoral leadership keenly recognized the burgeoning need for a spiritual haven in Veerapuli, a need that paved the way for a new chapter in the parish’s journey. Responding to the call, a new church was dedicated to Christ the King on August 18, 1992. The consecration ceremony was officiated by the esteemed Rev. Bishop Leon A. Dharmaraj.

Renovation and Social Welfare Center

During the tenure of Fr. Singarayan, St. Anthony’s Church, Surulacode, underwent a transformative period marked by both physical renewal and a deepened commitment to community welfare. In the year 2010, Fr. Singarayan renovated St. Anthony’s Church. In tandem with the church renovation, Fr. Singarayan spearheaded the establishment of St. Antoniy’s Social Welfare Center. This initiative reflected the parish’s commitment to addressing the broader needs of the community beyond spiritual guidance. On 13 April 2010 Rev. Bishop Peter Ramigius officiated the consecration ceremony and blessed both the church and the social welfare center.

Integration with Our Lady of Snow Church, Thadikkarankonam

In a strategic move to enhance pastoral care and foster a sense of unity among neighboring communities, a significant restructuring took place in the ecclesiastical landscape a few years later. During this period, Our Lady of Snow Church in Thadikkarankonam experienced a momentous elevation to the status of a new parish. Consequently, as part of this restructuring, Christ the King Church in Veerapuli and St. Anthony’s Church in Surulacode seamlessly became integral components of the newly established parish centered around Our Lady of Snow Church.

Parish Elevation

On 25 May 2016, St. Anthony’s Church, Surulacode, achieved the status of a parish. This transition was facilitated by Rev. Bishop Peter Ramigius, entrusting the parish to the pastoral care of the Pallottines, and Fr. Gnansikamani Pilavendran SAC became its first Parish priest.

Recent Years

From 2018 to 2021, Fr. Anderws Thomas John Xavier SAC served as a parish priest, succeeded by Fr. John Paul Raj Chinnappan SAC in 2021. St. Xavier’s Shrine, part of the parish, was renovated by Fr. John Paul Raj Chinnappan SAC and blessed by Fr. Edison, Vicar Forane, Devesahayam Mount, on December 3, 2023.

St. Anthony’s Church, Surulacode, and Christ the King Church, Veerapuli, stand as dynamic spiritual hubs, collectively fostering the faith journey of their parishioners. St. Anthony’s Church, Surulacode proudly hosts 75 families, and Christ the King Church, Veerapuli with 45 families thrives on its shared commitment to faith, fellowship, and service. The churches remain vibrant centers for various activities, engaging parishioners in meaningful spiritual and communal experiences.

Regular Community Activities

Mass and Rosary: Both churches uphold the tradition of daily Holy Rosary, creating moments of reflection and unity among the faithful.

Catechism Classes: Sundays witness the nurturing of young minds through Catechism classes, instilling the foundations of Catholic teachings.

Small Christian Communities (Anbiyam): These smaller groups provide platforms for intimate fellowship, mutual support, and shared spiritual growth.

Legion of Mary: The Legion of Mary, a dedicated group within the parish, actively contributes to various charitable and community-oriented initiatives.

Mass Timings

St. Anthony’s Church, Surulacode

  • 06:30 am: Holy Rosary
  • 07:00 am: Mass
  • 08:45-9.30 am: Catechism Classes
  • 06:30 pm: Holy Rosary
  • 07:00 pm: Mass
  • (1st Tuesdays: Special Novena for St. Antony)
  • 06:30 pm: Holy Rosary
  • 07:00 pm: Mass
  • (1st Fridays: Adoration followed by Mass)
Every Day
  • 06:30 pm: Rosary in the Shrine
  • (Last Friday: 7.00 pm St. Xavier’s Novena and Mass)

Christ the King Church, Veerapuli

  • 08:30-9.00 am: Catechism Classes
  • 09:00 am: Rosary
  • 09:30 am: Mass
  • 06:30 pm: Rosary
  • 07:00 pm: Mass
  • (1st Wednesday: Adoration followed by Mass)

May the shared journey of faith continue to strengthen the bonds of the parish community and contribute to the collective spiritual well-being.